El Zopilote, 2021

Material: Velvet

Dimension: 210 cm x 90 cm x 5 cm Show: Fiori e Fiamme

The relationships between human beings and nature are the center of some ofthe concerns that I am interested in addressing in my work. Life is created and maintainded from respectful relationships, where cooperation and bonds between human and non-human beings are essential. Facing eco-social crisis and especially the loss of biodiversity, it is necessary to invent a new model with a more balanced system of power between the ecosystems, a balance that already exists and is demostrated by the figure of zopilote.This scavanger bird is a metaphor for sustainability, because it cleans the environment. It is a mythical animal in Mexican culture and performs a cleaning task, leaving free the earth from diseases because by feeding mainly on corpses, they quickly eliminate them, avoiding the dispersion of microorganisms potentially harmful to the ecosytem.